Article: In Rozalla's Shoes

In Rozalla's Shoes
Tell me if these words sound familiar;
"Brother and sister, Together we'll make it through."
These words are from a song. A very famous song that you will no doubt have partied to on countless occasions.
Here's another set of lyrics from the same song:
"We are a family that should stand together as one
"Helping each other instead of just wasting time
"Now is the moment to reach out to someone, it's all up to you
"When everyone's sharing their hope
"Then love will win through"
If you haven't quite figured out the song yet, I'll forgive you, for it's best known for it's next set of lyrics which will absolutely be the giveaway.
"Everybody's free to feel good
"Everybody's free to feel good, to feel good"
Oh yes, this is Everybody's Free - the 90s, feel-good, club classic that, ironically, couldn't be more relevant for today and the situation that we find ourselves living through.
I'm chatting with Rozalla, the fabulous woman and singer behind Everybody's Free.
I met her relatively recently, when she was recording her new single with Paul at Select Recording Studios, next door to our HQ in north London. I could see her eyes light up when she came into our studio and saw our collection of shoes on display. She immediately loved the Hoxton leopard print trainers. Her first pair and "definitely not my last."
Rozalla loves singing and performing all over the world to sell out tours so she's used to working constantly and travelling non-stop.
So this is a strange and unfamiliar time of no travel and of staying at home, but she's making the best of it and enjoying her own quiet time to reflect and collect thoughts, which can be challenging when working against a hectic schedule. Rozalla also loves walking in the woods which are close by to her house. "I love the fresh air and nature," she says. "Makes me feel happy."
"Although," she says, "I've not been out for some time now. I've been resting a lot and watching The Crown on Netflix because I actually have a cold and aches all over. I'm not sure if it’s Covid-19, but I took some paracetamol and hope it will pass."
Thankfully, I can confirm that it has since passed and Rozalla is feeling much better now.
Whether she experienced mild symptoms of Covid-19 or her symptoms were in fact of the common cold, I know that the anxiety of getting infected with the coronavirus is something that many of us fear.
A cough, a headache, aches and pain - suddenly, you may jump to the conclusion that you've been infected.
A few weeks ago, I had a splitting headache and kept checking my temperature. I was fine (it was most probably due to a lack of sleep). But I kept checking my temperature because I was anxious. I know from speaking to many friends and colleagues that we're all in the same boat and experiencing similar emotions, so it's good to share and know you're not alone.
Hopefully, it's not long before we can indeed all be tested to know whether or not we've actually had Covid-19.
And I hope, with this development, that we can start to get some sort of normality back in our everyday lives. Going back to that 90s hit, I hope that everybody will be free to feel good very, very soon.
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