Article: Hope, Love and Peace - Our New Hoxton Rainbow Trainers

Hope, Love and Peace - Our New Hoxton Rainbow Trainers
If there is one symbol that has come out of these challenging and devastating coronavirus times, it is that of the rainbow.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about Our Rainbows of Hope (you can read my post by clicking here) and how these beautiful arcs of colour have brought the nation together to give thanks to our brave and self-less frontline, who risk their lives every day to help others.
We've all been so warmed by the little acts of kindness all around us and the unity - not just amongst our local communities, but nationally and globally too - that I was inspired to design a new trainer that would capture and symbolise how, despite social distancing and not being able to meet loved ones during this pandemic, we have, in fact, all been brought closer together.
I've designed my new Hoxton trainers to symbolise hope through the rainbow, love through the heart and peace through the dove grey and white leathers.
Economically, the pandemic has caused a global catastrophe, but perhaps the more hidden cost of the pandemic is the effect that it is having and will continue to have on mental health, particularly in children and young adults.
This is an incredibly stressful time for children and young adults, particularly if they've been exposed to the more traumatic events of the coronavirus, such as the sickness or even deaths of family members or the realisation that perhaps one (or both) of their parents have lost their job and the impact that will have on home life. But there are also other stresses, such as not seeing or playing with friends, not going to school or university or not being able to get a job having just graduated. Their world has been turned upside down and many will be struggling to adapt to their much lonelier new normal.
Having Elin brings the seriousness of the situation very close to heart, and Gareth and I have discussed the impact of the coronavirus on the next generation numerous times.
It is with great pride therefore, that, in line with Mental Health Awareness Week, we have taken the initiative to help raise money and support childrens' mental health, to reflect the times and things that are close to our hearts. For every £1 we can raise, is a step in the direction of how we want to live and of making a difference.
We will donate £20 for every pair sold* of our Hoxton Rainbow trainers, to our selected childrens' mental health charity. We are currently finalising our chosen charity and partner and really look forward to confirming the details with you shortly.
Like so many people in business, we're re-thinking the ways in which we do things and what changes - however small - we can put in place to help support team members and our wonderful Cocorosers.
In addition to raising funds for our chosen charity, we're also currently making face masks and will be donating all profits to help support children's mental health - more on this to come later.
Our small steps in giving and helping to raise money for childrens' mental health will hopefully help to make a significant difference in fighting the invisible aftermath of the devastating impact on mental health that the coronavirus is leaving behind.
* We'd like to ensure we can donate the full £20 per pair sold but on the off-chance that a promotional code may be redeemed, then we may be required to donate a proportion of the £20, in line with the promotional discount.
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